

Path: /api/v1/nearby-hotpoi

Method: GET



poi类型 poi_type
景点(attraction) 1
餐饮(food) 2
酒店(hotel) 3
购物(shopping) 4
租车门店(store) 5
联网搜索(online_search) 6
加油站(fuel) 7
娱乐(entertainment) 8
机场(airport_tbl) 9
红灯区(forbiddance) 10



参数名称 是否必须 示例 备注
lat 中心点lat
lon 中心点lon
poi_type poi类型
radius 10 查半找径,单位km,不传默认为10km
limit 返回数量,默认20
language 1中文 2英文 ,不传默认为2


   "Code": 0,
   "Desc": "成功",
   "Message": [
         "sort": 100,
         "region_id": 10059,
         "city_id": 1673,
         "mwm_id": 392,
         "poi_type": 1,
         "id": 105608,
         "en_name": "Victoria Harbour",
         "is_detail": 1,
         "detail": {
            "average_prices": "",
            "memo": "Victoria Harbour is a natural landform harbour situated between Hong Kong Island and Kowloon in Hong Kong. The harbour's deep, sheltered waters and strategic location on the South China Sea were instrumental in Hong Kong's establishment as a British colony and its subsequent development as a trading centre.Throughout its history, the harbour has seen numerous reclamation projects undertaken on both shores, many of which have caused controversy in recent years. Environmental concerns have been expressed about the effects of these expansions, in terms of water quality and loss of natural habitat. It has also been proposed that benefits of land reclamation may be less than the effects of decreased harbour width, affecting the number of vessels passing through the harbour. Nonetheless Victoria Harbour still retains its founding role as a port for thousands of international vessels each year.Long famous for its spectacular views, the harbour is a major tourist attraction of Hong Kong. Lying in the middle of the territory's dense urban region, the harbour is the site of annual fireworks displays and its promenades are popular gathering places for tourists and residents.",
            "nav_location": "{\"lat\":22.2941592,\"lng\":114.1712818}",
            "price": [],
            "min_price": {},
            "good_desc": "",
            "id": 105608
         "area_type": 0,
         "city_cn": "九龙",
         "grade": 4.5,
         "location": {
            "lat": 22.293226,
            "lon": 114.171394
         "city_en": "Kowloon",
         "thumb_pic": "http://poi-img.tantu.com/small_poi_pic/attr/105608.jpg",
         "recommends": "",
         "tags": "Natural scenery",
         "comment_num": 3011,
         "address": "九龙尖沙咀天星小轮码头",
         "cn_name": "维多利亚港",
         "py_name": "weiduoliyagang",
         "is_ticket": 1
   "extData": {}

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